What types of transport are available on 12Go’s travel agent portal?
When you register for the resellers program, you get access to booking trains, buses, ferries, flights, vans, and taxis.
Who can join the reseller's program?
You're a great fit for the B2B partner program if you represent a tourism office, travel agency, hotel, or are a tour guide.
How much can I earn?
We give our partners 50% of the total profit. The average commission is $3 per booking. On top of that, for select operators, you can make an extra top-up of up to 20% of the ticket price.
In what currencies can I make a deposit?
We can accept payments in THB, USD, and EUR. Please contact us and let us know which currency you choose before making the first deposit.
How can I know the status of the application?
Once approved, you'll receive an email from us containing sign-in instructions. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need updates on your application status.
Where can I find reseller Terms and Conditions?
You can access the Terms and Conditions are accessible from the resellers dashboard sidebar, or just visit this link.
How to delete a 12Go reseller account?
There is a profile delete button on the profile and settings screen in the resellers dashboard.
Do I need a website to join the program?
No, having a website is not a requirement. However, if you wish to promote tickets online on your website, check out our affiliate program.
What will happen to our deposit if we decide to quit the program?
Deposit is 100% refundable. If you wish to quit the program and close the account, please let us know and we will arrange the deposit refund.